Why Emily Seebohm needs to meet Wajira

 As we watched the tears flow from the eyes of swimmer Emily Seebohm last week as the 'tragic' reality of only winning a silver medal at the Olympics flooded over her, we couldn't help but think about another 'champion' we saw recently: Wajira.

Wajira runs a Day Care Centre in the slums of Galle, in Sri Lanka.
Everyday Wajira makes do with the scarce resources she has available to her to make the lives of street kids - some as young as three - just a little more bearable.

When we were there in Galle and helping out at the Day Care Centre we decided this wonderful and gentle lady needed a surprise, so my wife Kathy took Wajira shopping. Anything she needed we would buy? A new TV? A smart phone? An iPad?

What Wajira chose was pencils, colouring sets; paper, glue and drawing utensils.

The total bill: $14.50.

Kathy pleaded with her to 'get more stuff' or to at least treat herself to 'something special'.

"No thanks Miss Kathy", said Wajira, "This is all I need and these items will mean so much to me and my children".

 And it did.

I am sure Emily is a really nice person, but what have we done to lose such perspective of what is really important in life?
Why we have raised our kids to want everything and to be 'dissappointed' and 'shattered' if life doesn't meet our expectations?

Maybe Emily should meet Wajira?

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  1. Superb! Perfectly said Ross.

    What have we done to get our kids so mixed up and lost in a delusion that they have an automatic 'sense of entitlement'?

  2. Tragic that a lovely young girl was so overwhelmed by her sense of right and the pressure perceived. Sad about our whole society really.



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